Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New York City: Day Nine

Alright, more college touring happened today! It's our last real day in New York City—we head over to JFK early in the morning tomorrow—and to sort of finish off the trip, we went on our tour of the campus of NYU, which is now officially my dream school. 

The campus is really amazing, and the tour guides were friendly and informative, and it really solidified my resolve to attend. {I was initially drawn in by the location, but now I'm interested in the study abroad programs offered}

Now I just have to figure out what I want to do with my life. Ha.

After the tour we spent some time shopping around. There wasn't really much left for us to do, to be honest, so I picked up some tacky souvenirs for my friends and I'm now sitting around waiting for pizza back in Jersey. Oh, yeah, we also bought macarons! Have I mentioned that I love macarons? I wish I had the skill to make them, and I'm really impressed with the people who can. 

Ah, so cute and colourful. 

Hopefully we'll have a safe flight tomorrow. I'll definitely have to spend some time editing these posts when I get back home and have access to an actual computer, but I think I'll also be writing a reflection post as well. After all, this was the first trip I ever really blogged about—and I sense the start of something new. 

Thank you for a great week and a half in New York City! And until next time,

Love, The Sweater Giraffe ♥

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