Saturday, July 26, 2014

| Korean Food Collection |

I'm Korean American, so I basically grew up eating exclusively Korean food. Still, while I was in Seoul and Busan, it was fantastic trying some of my favourite dishes in their country of origin. I spent a lot of my time in Seoul walking around with my father, who actually had friends who were restaurant owners and knew all of the secret hidden cafés and restaurants nestled within the metropolis. He was even friends with some of the restaurants owners and employees, which I found particularly impressive. 

In contrast to that were the huge malls {aka Shinsegae} in Busan that loaded their eateries with everything from delicately crafted French pastries to traditional Korean kabobs and donuts. Of course, these would be much more expensive.

I probably would have more pictures of food to show you, but the majority of my time in Korea in a Buddhist temple, and everything was strictly vegan. {We did sneak out on occasion to buy ice cream, but I'm still an American in my stomach and probably would have died without it}

To me, food is one of the most important things to experience when traveling. I'm romantic like that. 

♥ The Sweater Giraffe 

Friday, July 25, 2014

| D E S T I N A T I O N S |

{  Pink: Traveled !
Teal: Upcoming !
Grey: Wishlist ! {note: I tend to write down almost everything that catches my eye}
courier for continents
Bold Times New Roman for countries/regions
Normal Times New Roman for cities

Click the location to see the posts! Newest/upcoming trips are in italics.    }

. n o r t h a m e r i c a  .
United States West Coast: lol 
Canada: Quebec City || Montreal || Vancouver || Ottawa
Mexico: Mexico City

. s o u t h a m e r i c a .
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
Peru: Cusco

. a s i a .
China: Hong Kong || Shanghai || Beijing || Xi'an {Spring 2016}
Japan: Tokyo || Kyoto || Osaka
Thailand: Bangkok

. a u s t r a l i a .
Sydney || Melbourne || Cairns

. e u r o p e .
Czech: Prague
France: Paris || Nice || Marseille || Avignon 
Germany: Munich || Frankfurt || Berlin || Hamburg 
Iceland: Reykjavik
Italy: Venice || Milan || Rome || Florence || Verona
Ireland: Dublin
The Netherlands: Amsterdam || Utrecht
Russia: Moscow 
Scotland: Edinburgh || Glasgow
Spain: Madrid || Barcelona
Sweden: Stockholm
England: London
Wales: Cardiff

| Hello! |

Hey, everyone! I'm the Sweater Giraffe, and this is my new travel blog!

Personally, traveling is one of my greatest passions. As a result, I've decided to make this blog a separate entity {my main blog centers around fashion and art, if you're interested!}

I'll be posting about language studies, personal experiences, culinary experiences, and a ton of iPhone photography on this blog, amongst other things! There are a few language posts on my main blog, but I'll be copying them onto here over the next few days.

Thank you so much for checking this blog out! I hope to share my experiences and global joys with you in the future. 

{photograph is from my Instagram account, taken last year in Busan, South Korea}

♥ The Sweater Giraffe